
Select Encounters

This page allows a manager to add that have been previously imported to the selected workpool.
Select Encounters

Stage Select

1. Stage Select
Select the stage to set the work pool encounter to here. "Audit" is the default and usually what should be selected, but "CDI", "Coding", and "Pre-bill" are also available should they be needed.

Work Type Select

2. Work Type Select
Select the worktype that this work pool encounter belongs to. This is currently only used for display purposes.

Select Method Radio Buttons

3. Select Method Radio Buttons
Choose between the three types of selection methods.
Grid: Shown in the screenshot. A typical grid view of the available encounters from the selected import source.
Slider Grid: For use with imports that have been scrubbed by COGS. Three sliders become available allowing a manager to select a DRG Validity maximum, a Potential Risk maximum, and a Potential Opportunity maximum.
Scatter: For use with imports that have been scrubbed by COGS. An x/y chart of Potential Financial Impact Score by DRG Validity is displayed with encounters shown as discreet data points within that spectrum. DRG Validity and Potential Financial Impact sliders are used to select charts that fall within the selected ranges.

Due Date Selector

4. Due Date Selector
Choose a due date for the selected encounters. This is currently for display purposes only.

Import Source Dropdown

5. Import Source Dropdown
Any imported xlsx or csv files, manually entered encounters, or demo encounter lists will be displayed here. Choose one to have the grid populate with all encounters that are a part of that import source.

Upload Encounters Link

6. Upload Encounters Link
Click this link to be redirected to the upload encounters page where you can import new encounter lists.

Select All Checkbox

7. Select All Checkbox
Click this to select all of the encounters shown in the grid.

Individual Encounter Checkbox

8. Individual Encounter Checkbox
Click the checkbox next to an individual encounter to select/deselect it from the list of encounters that you wish to add to the workpool.


9. Save
Click this button to save all selected encounters to the current workpool and then be automatically redirected back to the workpool.

Save and Add More

10. Save and Add More
Click this button to save all selected encounters to the current workpool but stay on this page. This is useful if more encounters are in the import source list than can be displayed on one page.