
Upload Encounters

Use this page to import encounters with codes into the system for auditing.
Alternatively, only demographics can be imported for use in coding scenarios.
Upload Encounters

Service Type Selection

1. Service Type Selection
Select the service type that will be applied to all encounters that are imported.

Import Demographic Only Flag

2. Import Demographic Only Flag
Check this box to only import demographics.

Select File

3. Select File
Click this button to bring up a file selection dialog where you can pick the .CSV, .XLSX, or .XLS file to import encounters from.
Once the file has been selected, the system will move on to upload step 2.

Select Ruleset

4. Select Ruleset
Custom COGS rulesets can be created to automatically add encounters to a workpool if they meet certain criteria.

Select Workpool

5. Select Workpool
OPTIONAL (Required if Select Ruleset is used):
Select the workpool that the encounters are to be added to if the encounter triggers a rule.