
Edit Account Status

On this page, the administrator can modify an existing account status.
Edit Account Status

Change Display Name

1. Change Display Name
This is the name of the account status category. This is what is shown on the chart itself.

Set Account Status Validity Options

2. Set Account Status Validity Options
These options set what type of audit the status is valid for. DRG (inpatient), OPS (outpatient), or HCC audits.

Set Account Status Display Order

3. Set Account Status Display Order
This number is used to set the sort order of the account status in the account status display.

Set Account Status Active Flag

4. Set Account Status Active Flag
This sets whether or not the account status is active (visible/selectable) to the auditor in the account status display.

Save Changes

5. Save Changes
Click this button to save any changes made to the account status.