
Edit Facility User

This page is used to edit an existing facility user.
Edit Facility User

Display Name

1. Display Name
Set the user display name.

User Name

2. User Name
Set the user name used to log in by the user.

Email Address

3. Email Address
Set the email address that will be used to validate the user as well as send password recovery information.

Phone Number

4. Phone Number
Set the primary phone number of the user.

Enable TruCode Flag

5. Enable TruCode Flag
Set this option to enable the user to use TruCode if it is set up to be used in this service provider.

Require Password Change Flag

6. Require Password Change Flag
Set a flag requiring the user's password be changed on next login.

Locked Out Flag

7. Locked Out Flag
Activate or deactivate the locked out enabled flag for the user. If enabled, the user will be unable to log in if they exceed a defined number of failed attempts until a set period of time passes.

Active Flag

8. Active Flag
Set this option to false to inactivate the user in the system. The user will not be able to log in if this is set to false.

Optional User Notes

9. Optional User Notes
Add notes to the user account for reference.

Save Button

10. Save Button
Click this button to save any changes made to the user account.