
Edit Coder

Use this page to edit an existing coder.
Edit Coder

Display Name

1. Display Name
Set the display name for the coder.

External ID

2. External ID
Set the external id for the coder. This is the id that is used during encounter import to determine if the coder already exists in the facility.
If so, the existing coder is linked to the encounter, otherwise the coder is added to the system.
The display name and external id are usually the same, but this is not a requirement.

Cross Facility ID

3. Cross Facility ID
Set the cross facility id for the coder. Some clients may utilize the same contract coder for work in multiple facilities. This field allows for the grouping of cross-facility coder statistics in reports.

Temporary Record Flag

4. Temporary Record Flag
Set the temporary record flag for the coder.

Contract Coder Flag

5. Contract Coder Flag
Check this box if you want the coder to be listed as a contract coder. Otherwise the coder is considered a staff coder.
This is used for reporting purposes.

Active Flag

6. Active Flag
Set this option to false to inactivate the coder in the system. The coder will not be selectable if this is set to false.

Save Button

7. Save Button
Click this button to save any edits to the coder in the database.

Back to List Link

8. Back to List Link
Follow this link to return to the coder index.