
Create Client User

This page is used to create a new client-level user.
Create Client User

User Display Name

1. User Display Name
Set the display name for the user.

User Name

2. User Name
Set the name the user will use to log into the system. This user name must be unique to the system.

Email Address

3. Email Address
Set the email address that will be used to validate the user as well as send password recovery information.

Phone Number

4. Phone Number
Set the primary phone number for the user.

Password Fields

5. Password Fields
Set the initial password to be used by the user when they log in. These two fields must match.

Require Password Change Flag

6. Require Password Change Flag
Set a flag requiring the user's password be changed on next login.

Primary User Role Selection

7. Primary User Role Selection
Set the primary role of the user.
Client Manager: The client manager is able to configure facilities under the client, but cannot create new ones. They have permissions to create new client and facility level users.
Client End User: Client user accounts may view data and run reports under the client and child facilities, but cannot perform audit or coding tasks.

Enable TruCode Flag

8. Enable TruCode Flag
Set this option to enable the user to use TruCode if it is set up to be used in this service provider.

Optional User Notes

9. Optional User Notes
Add notes to the user account for reference.

Create User

10. Create User
Click this button to save the new user to the database.

Back to List Link

11. Back to List Link
Follow this link to return to the client user index.