
Client Encounter Review Complete Toolbar

This image shows the two possible toolbars at the bottom of the Client Encounter Review page.
The top bar is displayed when the client agrees with all changes. He is able to add response notes, draft the review, accept the audit, or cancel the review.
The bottom bar is displayed when at least one change is disagreed with. The client is able to add response notes, draft the review, submit their change request, revert all change requests, or cancel the review.
Client Encounter Review Complete Toolbar

Add Response Notes

1. Add Response Notes
Clicking this brings up the client response notes dialog where the client can add any relevant notes or documentation detailing why a change isn't being accepted.


2. Draft
Clicking this saves the encounter along with any accept/decline choices and notes to the database without moving it to the next stage. This is useful if the client needs to research some more prior to committing any change requests to the system.

Accept Audit

3. Accept Audit
By clicking this, the reviewer has decided that the audit is complete and correct. This removes the encounter from the client queue and completes it in the system.


4. Cancel
Clicking this removes all changes made to the encounter and keeps it in the reviewer's queue.

Submit Change Request

5. Submit Change Request
This button appears only when the client declines at least one change. Clicking this commits that change request to the database and moves the encounter to the Manager queue.

Revert Changes

6. Revert Changes
Clicking this button removes all change requests and reloads the encounter.